Revealing An Opportunity To Make Millions From An Untapped Market That No One Talks About…

How To Start a “PR Agency” And Work With Big Clients, Personal Brands, Entrepreneurs & Businesses To Build Their Public Reputation For Which They Are Willing To Pay You Anything!

{Watch This Video To Know How}

<span class="gradient3" >Jeet Shah</span>

Jeet Shah

7 Figure Entrepreneur, Public Reputation Expert, Founder of InstaCashCow

<span class="gradient3" >Jeet Shah</span>

Jeet Shah

7 Figure Entrepreneur, Public Reputation Expert, Founder of InstaCashCow

Register For The PR Agency Masterclass At Just Rs 47


Join Now… We Have Just 90 Seats!!! And Only 7 Slots Are Left…

What is PR (Public Relations/Press Release)
& How can you build a successful PR Agency in Less Than 3 Weeks ???

PR simply means – Building a good reputation & image about a person, brand, or company in the eyes of people so they see them as an established authority.

Many people & businesses want to have a good image across the market so they can attract more customers, and investors, build their credibility, brand awareness, & so much more…

This can be achieved by publishing their articles in newspapers, interviews, etc. {wants your input like social handle verified}

Well, you can find a lot of definitions for it but what you can’t easily find is a good PR agency who can bring results for these people.

Which Means

High Demand for PR experts

Less Availability of PR Agencies

Big Opportunity for you to make Lakhs of Rupees by building a successful PR Agency!!!

And that’s what “PR Agency Masterclass” is all about!!!

Because In this masterclass, I’ll show… how you can

Register For The PR Agency Masterclass At Just Rs 47

For Whom Is This Workshop For

What You’ll Learn From It

Help your clients get featured in publications such as

Meet Your Host


When it comes to Public Relations, Press Release i.e. PR,
Jeet Shah has reached a huge milestone of successfully delivering PR services to his clients across the world. He has worked with big brands & companies to get their articles released in popular publications (both in India & Internationally).

He himself has been featured in 15+ publications so far.
Well, his journey wasn’t anywhere easy.

Jeet identified that there is a huge lack of awareness amongst people about the PR industry & the demand for PR services is increasing. Businesses are looking to get featured in magazines, and newspaper articles but there’s almost no one who can do it for them despite the fact that they are willing to pay a big amount of money for it.

This high demand & less supply motivated him to get on a mission to help people learn about the PR industry & build a profitable agency so they can deliver services & make a living out of it.

Everything taught in this masterclass is 100% proven to work… as Jeet himself has implemented the same strategies to make multiple figures in revenue. And the same will be taught to you inside the masterclass!!

It took him a lot of time, effort & money to master the PR industry. But not you… because you will be getting a sure-fire way that will take you 10 steps ahead to kickstart your journey with PR.

Register For The PR Agency Masterclass At Just Rs 47

Have A Look At What People Have To Say About Me


That’s Not Everything…

You Can Unlock These 3 Amazing Bonuses Worth ₹12,500 For Absolutely FREE By Registering For The LIVE Masterclass Right Now!!!

Private WhatsApp Group

Value: ₹2,500/-

High Converting Sales Script

Value: ₹5,500/-

CRM For Agency

Value: ₹4,500/-

People from different industry are looking to get their PR done

Industry Such As

You Just Name Them – And they need PR Services for sure!!!

That’s how big a market it is so you can easily grab this vast opportunity.

Even working with a handful of clients can multiply your income like anything…

Register For The PR Agency Masterclass At Just Rs 47

Frequently Asked Questions

The workshop will be for 2 hours and will be held on the Zoom App.
Please check the top section of this page to get your preferred date for the workshop.

This workshop is for anyone who wants to learn about the PR industry, how it works, how one can start a PR agency from scratch & work with high-ticket clients to make huge money from their services.
This workshop will be helpful for students, freelancers, marketers, agency owners, media professionals, job professionals, self-employed people, and entrepreneurs as anyone can learn about PR & start delivering services right away.

This masterclass will disclose to you the working of the PR industry in-depth & how you can build your own PR agency from scratch. Not just this… you will also learn how to attract clients for your services & deliver them in the best possible way so you make plenty of money from it.

This masterclass will also guide you on how you can reach out to some of the big publications for getting PR done for your clients & earn a margin of 70% or more!!

Make sure you come 10 mins before the scheduled time and have a simple notebook and pen to write the important points you find during the workshop.

It is advisable to attend the workshop on PC and with good internet connectivity for a better learning experience.

No recordings are provided to ensure every registrant attends the workshop live and gets the best out of the workshop.

Jeet Shah

P.S. Since you’ve read this far, it’s clear you’re interested in building a PR agency & working with domestic & international clients with their PR management.

There’s only one thing left for you to do: Click the button below and join me in the Live Masterclass…

(less than a medium-sized burger)

So click here to reserve your seat now!!!
And I’ll see you Live…

Register For The PR Agency Masterclass At Just Rs 47

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At the end of the training, I’ll be making an offer for people who want to have access to a platform that will help implement what they learn on the training and more. This is completely optional. The training lasts about 90 minutes and if you don’t want the platform, you can leave without buying anything. The training will be holding nothing back and you’ll be able to implement what you learn right away on your own.