Hidden Group Access

Unlike Regular Telegram Group, My VIP Group Is Open for Discussions as I Believe In Having a Two-Way Communication. Don't Worry, I Have Strict Rules Against Spamming

Private Support For You

I Give My Personal Support To VIP Members Inside The Pre Insta Workshop Group.

Recording Of The Workshop

You’ll get the recording of the workshop so you do not miss anything and learn whenever you want

1000$ Closing

The Top Secret Strategy Used By Big Digital Marketers To Close High Ticket Clients & Inside You’ll see this secret closing strategy

Value Ladder

Learn the process of mapping out your customer (Buyers) Journey & Systemize the way to Sell your next-level Products & Services.

Essentials Scripts

Get Direct Access To All of My Proven & Tested Scripts I Personally Use to Close 1000$ Clients

PR Media System

The Little Known Way that will Help You Get Featured on Dream Magazines & Online Publications

License Of JPR

My team and I will close your clients without charging any commission

Regular Public Group Access

On a Regular Seat, You Will Be Added To a Regular Public Closed Group With ONLY One-Way Communication. It Is Purely With Only One Purpose & That's To Share Updates About The Workshop.

No Support, Whatsoever!

Again, Regular Seat Can Help You Attend & Learn, But, If You are Serious About Taking Your Game To The Next Level & Get Fast Results, You May Need My Support. VIP Seat Gives You My Support for 7 Days.

No Recording

On a Regular Seat, You Will Be Able To Attend The Workshop, But Not Get Any Recording. If You Are Serious About Learning, You Will Need Access To Workshop's Recording & Only VIP Seat Will Give You This Benefit. As a Regular Seat Member, You will be paying 997/- later.

No Extra Training Modules

You will learn how to build the systems but getting on the higher and advance level of these things is crucial. With accelerator system it would become easy for you

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